No Turkey Neck for Us! Benefits of Ultherapy
Thanksgiving may be just around the corner, but it is unlikely the upcoming holiday is going to make you any more enamored of that turkey neck you have started to notice in your bathroom mirror. Skin laxity, a common byproduct of the aging process, tends to take its toll on the neck and jawline long before you start to feel the passage of time. If loose skin is beginning to make you self-conscious about your appearance, Dr. Rappaport at Houston Center for Plastic Surgery has a non-surgical treatment option for you.
Introducing Ultherapy
In the past, the only method of skin tightening was surgical lift procedures that involved anesthesia, incisions and a recovery period. Today, mild to moderate skin laxity can be addressed with effective non-surgical treatments. One of the best treatments for addressing skin laxity around the lower face and neck area is a revolutionary treatment known as Ultherapy.
Ultherapy utilizes focused ultrasound energy to heat tissue underneath the skin’s surface, stimulating collagen production that leads to firmer skin tone. The energy is targeted to the precise location where it will provide the greatest benefit, ensuring you receive the best possible results from your treatment. There are no topical creams or injectable solutions; instead, ultrasound energy allows the body’s natural processes to turn back the clock on your appearance.
What is the Procedure Like?
Ultherapy is non-invasive, which means no anesthesia or incisions are involved. A handheld device delivers ultrasound energy to the treatment area and ultrasound imaging is used to ensure the energy is placed in the precise location for the greatest possible benefit. Ultherapy procedures typically take one to two hours to complete (depending on the areas treated) and patients can return to regular activities as soon as treatment is over.
Will Ultherapy Work on “Turkey Neck”?
Ultherapy is an excellent solution for turkey neck, loose skin that appears around the front of the neck. The procedure is typically recommended for mild to moderate skin laxity, so it is best to have your treatment before the effects of gravity take a significant toll. The procedure will firm up the skin on the neck, reducing the appearance of deep creases and the turkey wattle look. The procedure will also tighten up skin along the jawline for improved definition and a more youthful facial profile.
Don’t let your turkey neck get in the way of your enjoyment of the holiday season. Contact Houston Center for Plastic Surgery at (713) 790-4500 today to find out if Ultherapy is the right treatment for you.