Am I a Candidate for a Tummy Tuck?

abdominoplasty body contouring

Am I a Candidate for a Tummy Tuck?

A tummy tuck or abdominoplasty is a popular body contouring procedure that effectively firms and flattens the midsection. This surgical procedure ovvv ffevrs dramatic results to the right candidate, but it is not appropriate for everyone. Are you a good candidate for a tummy tuck? Answer the questions below to find out.

Have I reached a stable weight?

A tummy tuck is a cosmetic procedure, not a surgery designed for weight loss. Candidates for this procedure should achieve a healthy, stable weight prior to considering the surgery.

Have I tried diet and exercise to reduce my midsection?

For some, diet and exercise are simply not enough to create the body contour in the abdominal area they were hoping for. If you have tried cardio workouts, crunches and planks to no avail, surgery might be the next logical step in your body contouring efforts.

Is my excess fat “internal” or “external”?

To answer this question, lie down and note the appearance of your abdomen. Does your tummy flatten out or remain bulky? If it flattens, this indicates your fat is more external than internal, making you a good candidate for a tummy tuck.

Am I relatively healthy and a non-smoker?

A tummy tuck is a major surgical procedure that involves general anesthesia, an extensive incision and extended recovery period. It is best tolerated by patients in relatively good health. Smokers are not typically good candidates for this procedure because nicotine can negatively impact healing of the incision and increase risk for complications related to anesthesia.

Am I planning to have more children?

A tummy tuck is usually recommended for women that are finished having children. While the procedure will not necessarily impact the safety of future pregnancies, those nine months will create significant changes to the body that could counter the positive results of a tummy tuck.

Am I okay with post-operative scarring?

Tummy tucks tend to require larger incisions than many other plastic surgery procedures. Depending on the amount of skin and tissue to be removed, the scar may extend from hip to hip. While placement is typically hidden underneath clothing, some individuals are uncomfortable with that much post-operative scarring.

Can I take time off to recover completely?

Because a tummy tuck is considered a major procedure compared to other types of plastic surgery, the recovery period also tends to be longer. While patients often return to light activities including non-manual work within two weeks, a more gradual return to strenuous activity will be necessary likely be restricted for 6-8 weeks after the procedure.

For the right candidate, a tummy tuck offers long-lasting dramatic body contouring results. To learn more about this procedure, visit our website at and call Houston Center for Plastic Surgery at (713) 790-4500 for a consultation with Dr. Rappaport.

Houston Center For Plastic Surgery

6560 Fannin Street, #1812
Houston, Texas 77030

Phone: (713) 790-4500
Fax: (713) 793-1299