Is the Facelift right for me?

Is the Facelift right for me?

While using Botox® and Fillers can be an effective way to manage wrinkles, folds and skin laxity, there comes a time when in fact, a surgical procedure may be more appropriately indicated. A good skincare regime, Botox® and Fillers may be sufficient for a while (and beneficial even after surgery), yet there is nothing more effective in reversing the effects of gravity than surgery. While the results of a facelift may leave you in awe, you may still feel hesitant to have the procedure. One reason may be because you are worried you’ll look like you’ve had “work done”.

I am here to put that myth to rest.

The truth is that your Facelift results should be natural and discreet yet effective in reversing the effects of gravity. The reason that many famous faces on television (or people that you may know) give us a fright is because they have had procedures that have been ill-advised or excessively aggressive. Most of the time, less is more!

Here are a few quick ways to determine if a Facelift may be right for you:

  • Your sagging skin and loose jowls cannot be corrected with injectable fillers
  • You’ve aged faster than normal and look far older than you are
  • You have deep facial creases around your nose and mouth
  • You like your appearance better while looking at yourself in a hand held mirror, while reclining, than if looking at yourself in front of a mirror!

The best way to know what is right for you is by scheduling a consultation with me this January. During our consultation together, we will cover your goals and expectations as well as the pros and cons of any suggested procedures. I will always tell you exactly what you need to know, even if it’s not what you are expecting to hear.

Finally, find the best treatments for your problem areas and reach your goals. Here is to a FRESH New Year!

Dr. Norman Rappaport

(713) 790-4500

Houston Center For Plastic Surgery

6560 Fannin Street, #1812
Houston, Texas 77030

Phone: (713) 790-4500
Fax: (713) 793-1299